
Nestled in the hills of Northeast India, the Garo people have kept their culture alive for ages. At the heart of their culture is the Garo language, full of lively expressions that show how much they love their land and traditions. Let’s dive into the world of Garo together and see why it’s so important in their daily lives

At the heart of Garo culture is its language, spoken mainly in the Garo Hills region of Meghalaya and nearby areas. Garo, an Austroasiatic language, has been spoken for centuries. It stands out with its special sounds and grammar rules.

Everyday Phrases in Garo

“A’chik’ang?” – How are you?

Example: “A’chik’ang? Nangna nisonga.” (How are you? I’m fine.)

“Chi’bagi ni?” – What’s your name?

Example: “Chi’bagi ni? Nangna bagi Jack.” (What’s your name? My name is Jack.)

“Nangna nisonga” – I’m fine.

Example: “Nangna nisonga, dakdak.” (I’m fine, thank you.)

“Daka ngeljakchi?” – Where are you going?

Example: “Daka ngeljakchi? Apara agong jongka.” (Where are you going? I’m going to the market.)

“Achik bang jik” – I’ll see you later.

Example: “Achik bang jik, nangna di’bo.” (I’ll see you later, take care.)

“Kot mone” – Thank you.

Example: “Kot mone, chi’kot daka.” (Thank you, you’re welcome.)

“Chi’jikjak ni?” – Where do you live?

Example: “Chi’jikjak ni? Daka Ajing jongka.” (Where do you live? I live in Ajing.)

“Achik’bolni” – Goodbye.

Example: “Achik’bolni, jakko bol.” (Goodbye, take care.)

“Chati an chijikjak?” – How’s the weather?

Example: “Chati an chijikjak? Chati an’ang bolonga.” (How’s the weather? The weather is very nice.)

“Anjiak nini” – Welcome.

Example: “Anjiak nini, achik’ang jongka.” (Welcome, how are you?)

In today’s fast-changing world, it’s really important to appreciate different languages. Each language gives us a special way of looking at things, helping us understand the world better. When we learn and respect languages like Garo, we not only add to our own cultural knowledge but also become more understanding and connected with people from different backgrounds.

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